Biology, asked by Queenkhan, 11 months ago

write three features of Kingdom fungi!

Queenkhan: oh thanks
yuvrajkj: yes of course
yuvrajkj: raat ko on aa jana
Queenkhan: ❤..thanks yrr
Queenkhan: okh...yaad rha to pakka
yuvrajkj: hmm.. okay
Queenkhan: byee. ..
yuvrajkj: byre
yuvrajkj: byee*
Queenkhan: love you as a friend ❤...


Answered by yuvrajkj
1. They are not dependant on light

2. They can occupy dark habitats

3. They can grow in any direction

4. They can invade the interior of a substrate with absorptive filaments

5. They are eukaryotic

6. Decomposers

7. No chlorophyll – non photosynthetic

8. Most multicellular (hyphae) – some unicellular (yeast)

9. They are Non-motile

10. Their Cell walls are made of chitin (kite-in) instead of cellulose like that of a plant

11. They are more related to animals than plant kingdom.

12. They lack true roots, leaves and stems.
Answered by Anonymous

♦ Five Kingdom of Classification introduced by - R.H Whittaker in 1969.

➧ Five Kingdoms 0f Classification are:-

❶❭ Kingdom Monera:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ They are the simplest unicellular & prokaryotic organisms.

❱ They are typically unicellular organisms but one group is mycelial.

❱ The genetic material in these organisms is the naked circular DNA.

❱ Bacterial flagellar if present a simple and composed of a single fibre of protein.

❱ They may be Photo-autotrophs or Chemo-autotrophs.

◉Ex:- Cyanobacteria & Mycoplasm

❷❭ Kingdom Protista:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ They are the first simple unicellular eukaryotes organisms.

❱ They have a well-defined nucleus & also membrane bound cell organelles.

❱ Locomotion occurs with the help of Cilia, Flagella & Pseudopodia.

❱ They are mostly unicellular but some like algae are multicellular.

❱ Most of live in water & some in moist soil or even the body of human & plants.

◉Ex:- Amoeba & Euglena

❸❭ Kingdom Fungi:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ They are simple, Eukaryotes, Non-green, Heterotrophic & multicellular organisms.

❱ Cell wall is made up of chitin.

❱ They store food at Glycogen.

❱ They are mostly multicellular expcept Yeast.

❱ They reproduce by spore formation.

❱ They live in symbiotic relationship with blue-green algae.

◉Ex:- Yeast & Penicillin

❹❭ Kingdom Plantae:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ They includes multicellular & green eukaryotes.

❱ Their cell wall are made up of cellulose.

❱ They Stored food in the form of Starch & 0il.

❱ Plant grow throughout their life.

❱ They are autotrophs.

❱ They have an ability to grow by cell division.

❱ They contain photosynthetic pigments which are present in plastids.

◉Ex:- All green photosynthetic plants

❺❭ Kingdom Animalia:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ They includes multicellular & non green eukaryotes.

❱ Cell wall is absent.

❱ They Stored food in the form of Glycogen & fat.

❱ They have limited growth which stop after maturity.

❱ They are Heterotrophic.

❱ Ingestive nutrition & digestion.

❱ Higher level of tissue organization.

❱ 0rgans are internal.

◉Ex:- All Animals

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