Write three important factors responsible for depletion of water table.
Increasing population: As a result of increasing population, all the facilities such as houses, shops, roads, offices, pavements, etc. ...
Increasing industries: Most of the stages of manufacturing processes in industries require water. ...
Agricultural activities: Agriculture is impossible without water.
1. Natural factors - The soil of the trees is tied to water. Oh, the natural is protected, but because of the blind spur of the trees, the natural one is enjoying it.
2. Human Factors - There is scarcity of water due to irregular erratic use or misuse of water by humans.
3. infiIndustrialization Factors - Dirty water drains from a large factory. - bade bade karkhana se a nikaalne wala ganda pani naliyona bara bade bade nadi talab on Nehru se hote hue samudra mein ja milt