write three sentence each containing the name of a place
sheela lives in New York
my native place is Rajasthan
I completed my studies in Chicago state university
1. I have a friend who stays in Russia.
2. We went for a vacation at New York
3. She lives in India
A noun is a word that refers to a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can serve as the subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, or adjective in a sentence.
Nouns in Common People, places, and things in general are referred to by common nouns.
Proper nouns are names of people, places, or organisations.
Concrete nouns are the polar opposite of abstract nouns. They are items that cannot be touched. Ideas, concepts, and feelings are examples of abstract nouns.
Uncountable and Countable Nouns
Countable nouns can be counted. Singular and plural forms exist for countable nouns.
Uncountable nouns cannot be counted. To quantify them, you must use "measure words."
A collective noun refers to a group of people.