write today's date in ordinal number with open punctuation.
2019 - 097 is today's date in ordinal number.
Ordinal number refers to the date format in which the year along with the day of the year is written in YYYY- DDD.
The day usually ranges between 1 to 366. The start date is considered as for January 01.
Another way of writing ordinal number is considered as below.
First - 1st.
Second- 2nd
In that case, today's date will be 7th April, 2019.
There are two ways in which people prefer to write the time and date – cardinal and ordinal. Ordinal numbers are used mainly to represent the number’s place such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
So if you had to write today’s date in ordinal number, including punctuations, it would be written as – 5th April, 2019. However, most of them believe that it is not required to write the dates using ordinal numbers.