Computer Science, asked by kingmaster99, 1 year ago

Write two differences between Unary operators and Binary Operators.


Answered by merajfathima4


unary operators are the single operators but where as binary operators are the two operators

Answered by manyamnanditha


Hope u understood plzz like and mark as brainllist


Operator is a symbol or special character which is used to perform a specific task, the task/meaning of operator is defined in the compiler. For example + is a operator which is used to add two values.

The Operators which operate on Single Operand known as Unary Operators, some of the unary operators are:

++ Increment Operator

-- Decrement Operator

& Address Of Operator

- Unary Minus Operators

~ (One’s Compliment) Negation Operator

! Logical NOT

and so on..

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