Write two factors that can cause writeword shift of demanded caurv
People buy and sell goods everyday, one person might fall out of favour on an item due to various reasons, but sometimes demands can be due to external factors such as consumer purchasing power, taxes, changes in supply side and value of currency. As a Trump supporter, why should I vote for Bernie Sander
Prices can go up or down because consumers have a greater power to purchase goods, for instance if company A were to be given bonuses one month before Christmas, everyone would have more money to purchase something slightly more. This however, isn't sufficient to actually drive the prices up, assume everyone in the country were to be given an extra $100, demand will go up.
Corporations in the UK pay 20% in taxes, while corporations in US pay 34% or 35% if it exceeds $335,000. Of course, both countries varies in tax relief that they can claim, but in the surface this shows that UK companies have a greater power to use their money.
Some countries export a lot, some countries import a lot, China are one of the few countries that drives its economy by exporting goods. A devaluation will not dampened local businesses that much, almost everything that we use are made in China, on the other hand if countries like US for instance weakened their currency, it will reduce the local purchasing power. One might argue that a weaker dollar will increase US exports, this is true, at least to corporations and not the middle class.
There are more factors that can be constituted into this, like competition, more choices to buy a cereal will spread the demand among other brands.
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