write two or three about each part of plants
leaf fruit flower stem
shoot and the roots
There are two basic parts of a plant: the shoot (the structure above the ground,) and the roots (the structure below the ground). However, within each of these basic plant parts are specific parts that need to be identified.
What Makes Up a Shoot?
The shoot is the above ground portion of the plant. In the shoot system, one will find the stem, leaves, flowers, and fruit. The stem is the sturdy stalk that grows from the roots and sprouts leaves and flowers. The stem provides structure to the plant and carries all of the needed nutrients to the plant through stem structures called the xylem and phloem.
The leaves are attached to the stem by the leafstalk, called the petiole. The leaves regulate temperature and create energy for the plant. Where leaves attach is called a node. The space between each leaf is called an inter-node. Each leaf has veins on it which help to transport nutrients. The top of the plant is called the terminal bud or apical bud; think of this as the tallest green part.
Roots act like straws absorbing water and minerals from the soil. Tiny root hairs stick out of the root, helping in the absorption. Roots help to anchor the plant in the soil so it does not fall over. Roots also store extra food for future use.
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