. Write votre journèe using pronominal verbs.
Pronominal Verbs
Ils se sont mariés - French pronominal verbs
Verbes pronominaux
The grammatical term "pronominal" means "relating to a pronoun." You already know that conjugated verbs always need a subject pronoun (except in the case of the imperative), but pronominal verbs need a reflexive pronoun as well.
They got married.
I’m getting up.
You’re falling asleep.
English doesn’t have pronominal verbs per se. We can translate Je m’habille as "I’m dressing myself," but we’re far more likely to say "I’m getting dressed" – the fact that it’s myself is implicitly understood. This is not the case in French. If you’re dressing yourself, you need the reflexive pronoun, because without it, you’re automatically saying that you’re dressing someone else.
French students first learn about reflexive verbs, but those are only one of four types of pronominal verbs. Click on the lessons for more information and a list of common verbs:
Reflexive verbs – subject acts on itself
Reciprocal verbs – subjects act on one another
Idiomatic pronominal verbs – reflexive pronoun changes the meaning of the verb
Essentially pronominal verbs – verb can only be used pronominally
Many French verbs can be used reflexively and reciprocally as well as non-pronominally.
Par exemple…
Nous nous voyons dans la glace. We see ourselves in the mirror.
Nous nous voyons tous les jours. We see each other every day.
Nous voyons beaucoup de films. We see lots of movies.