Science, asked by nitesh374, 9 months ago

write what it is used for:a)mushrooms b)penicillium c)yeast d)lamenaria e)diatoms.​


Answered by kldhanwanth


question_answer1) The term 'fungus' was coined by

A) Gaspard Bauhin

B) De Bary

C) E.J. Butler

D) Sadasivan

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question_answer2) Who among the following is given the honour of "Father of Modern Mycology''

A) Stanley

B) Bawden

C) De Bary

D) Micheli

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question_answer3) Mycology (Mycetology) is a branch which deals with the study of [JIPMER 1990; AMU 1998; KCET 2000]

A) Viruses

B) Algae

C) Bacteria

D) Fungi

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question_answer4) Which season is best for the growth of the fungus

A) Rainy

B) Summer

C) Winter

D) All the above

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question_answer5) Which type of tissue is found in the fungi

A) Parenchyma

B) Chlorenchyma

C) Plectenchyma

D) Collenchyma

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question_answer6) Which one is a laboratory weed [Pb. PMT 2001]

A) Penicillium

B) Aspergillus

C) Neurospora

D) Saccharomyces

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question_answer7) Which one is saprophytic in nutrition [CPMT 2001]

A) Fungi

B) Cyanobacteria

C) Viruses

D) All the above

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question_answer8) A group of fungi with septate mycelium in which sexual reproduction is either unknown or lacking are classified under [CPMT 1984; BHU 1991; Pb. PMT 2000; JIPMER 2002]

A) Phycomycetes

B) Deuteromycetes

C) Ascomycetes

D) Basidiomycetes

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question_answer9) Fungal spores produced asexually at the tips of hyphae are called [CPMT 1988; AFMC 1994, 2005]

A) Sporangiophores

B) Anthospores

C) Conidia

D) Meiospores

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question_answer10) If the thallus of an organism e.g., a fungus is entirely converted into one or more reproductive structure, it is called as [JIPMER 1986]

A) Eucarpic

B) Holocarpic

C) Holozoic

D) Homothallic

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question_answer11) All fungi can be called as [CPMT 1978, 81; NCERT 1981; CBSE PMT 1993; CMC Vellore 1993; MP PMT 2000]

A) Heterotrophs

B) Autotrophs

C) Saprophytes

D) Parasites

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question_answer12) Which of the following does not contain chlorophyll [CPMT 1992]

A) Fungi

B) Algae

C) Bryophyta

D) Pteridophyta

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question_answer13) Which of the following is famous mycologist of India [AIIMS 1992]

A) P. Maheshwari

B) M.O.P. Iyengar

C) K. Sharma

D) Sadasivan

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question_answer14) Who gave the parasitic nature of fungus in plants [DPMT 1991]

A) Pasteur

B) Anton De Bary

C) Robert Koch

D) J.F. Kuhn

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question_answer15) Thread like filaments of fungi are known as [DPMT 1991; Manipal 1995]

A) Conidia

B) Mycorrhiza

C) Sporangium

D) Hyphae

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question_answer16) In 1943 the causal organism and host of Bengal famine was [BHU 1995; EAMCET 1995]

A) Wheat rust by Puccinia

B) Blast of rice by Pyricularia oryzae

C) Blast of rice by Xanthomonas oryzae

D) Brown leaf spot of rice by Helminthosporium oryzae

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question_answer17) Destruction of 50% maize plants in USA (1970) due to infection of

A) Hemileia vastratrix

B) Helminthosporium oryzae

C) Claviceps purpurea

D) Ustilago maydis

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question_answer18) Genus Penicillium belong to the class [CPMT 1995; Pb. PMT 1999; BVP 2000]

A) Basidiomycetes

B) Ascomycetes

C) Phycomycetes

D) Deuteromycetes

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question_answer19) Which of the following is not a fungal disease

A) White rust of crucifers

B) Black rust of wheat

C) Red rust of tea

D) Red rot of sugarcane

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question_answer20) The following is an example of saprophytes [KCET 1998]

A) Mushroom

B) Lichen

C) Unicellular algae

D) Ferns

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question_answer21) The cell wall of fungi is made up of [RPMT 1997, 99; CPMT 1998; MP PMT 2001; Orissa JEE 2004]

A) Chitin

B) Cellulose

C) Pectin

D) Suberin

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question_answer22) The immobility and spread out nature of which group leads us to call them plants

A) Moulds

B) Mushrooms

C) Lichens

D) All the above

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question_answer23) Facultative saprophyte is [CPMT 1993]

A) A parasite which can live as a saprophyte

B) Always a parasite

C) Always a saprophyte

D) May acquire parasitic mode of life

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