English, asked by madhukardevre111, 6 months ago

write what you think about the following thoughts and actions of Mathilde. Mathilde was beautiful and so she wanted to merry an aristocratic​


Answered by pie96407

(a)Mathilde is connecting beauty with position.it doesn't only mean that only if you're beautiful,you will get to marry an Aristocrat.

(b)This served her right.she only wanted to marry an Aristocrat because of his possesions and money,and of course,her beauty.

(c)Because he is acustomed to an environment of luxury and comfort,she is not satistfied with the furnishments and  house.

(d)She is soooo selfish,right?instead of being happy with what she already has,she now wants other people to see her in a high class!

(e)Mathilde has had enough.she is not satisfied with anything she has,and certainly not with the invitaton her friend gave for a party!

(f)okay,so this is kinda normal.anyone would have wanted to get their own dress for a party,right?

(9)Yeah,great.so now she's not gonna take care of that necklace,because it is her friend's,and was she really so poor that her husband(an aristocrat)to buy her a necklace?

So,i'm pretty dissapopinted with Mathilde

please make me briliant

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