write whether the nouns in capitals are countable or uncountable
1) turn the tap three TIMES so that the water does not drip
Nouns can be:
common nouns
proper nouns
There are MILLIONS of websites, and the word "website" is a common noun.
There is only ONE Google, and the word "Google" is a proper noun.
A proper noun is the name of something unique, like me (Joe). You can learn about proper nouns here.
This page is about common nouns, which are all the "normal", general nouns. Simple examples of common nouns are:
book, table, car
water, milk, oil
music, art, literature
dog, woman, teacher
Common nouns are everywhere. Look around you now and you will see many common nouns:
door, window, tree, sky, cat, truck, road, computer, phone, bottle, ball, luggage, people, hair
Common nouns can be countable (bottle, dollar) or uncountable (milk, money); singular (desk, pencil) or plural (desks, pencils); concrete (piano, bed) or abstract (music, happiness). And they follow all the usual rules of countable/uncountable, singular/plural, concrete/abstract nouns. But there is ONE rule that ALL common nouns need to follow: they don't start with a capital letter!
Common Nouns Don't Need Capitals!
A typical mistake that people make with common nouns is to capitalize them. But remember, only a proper noun (like your name or title) needs to start with a capital letter. A person's "job" (chairman, president, king/queen) may or may not need capitalisation. It depends whether it is the "position" or the "title". There have been many presidents of the USA. Those are positions. But there is only one President Trump. That is his title and name.
If a common noun comes at the beginning of a sentence, then it gets a capital letter—because all sentences start with a capital letter.
If a common noun occurs in a heading (for example above, Common Nouns Don't Need Capitals!), then it may get a capital letter (depending on editorial style).
If a common noun occurs in the title of a book, movie, song, album etc, then it usually gets a capital letter (War and Peace, The Lord of the Rings, Night of the Living Dead, The Host, The College Dropout).
Of course, if a common noun occurs in a heading that is all in capitals (eg newspaper headline), then it is capitalized (MAN BITES DOG, CONTINENT CUT OFF BY FOG
countable noun
time is used as an uncountable noun
but in the sentence turning a tap three times, times is a countable noun
Because there is no specific beginning for time
hope it helps you
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