English, asked by SanjeevKumarRathore, 1 year ago

Write which points are in interior region
and exterior region of the line AB and line
CD ?​


Answered by rohitsharma2k613


Imagine that the line segment from A to B (i.e. AB) is extended beyond A inone  direction  and  beyond  B  in  the  otherdirection without any end (see figure). Younow get a model for a line.Do you think you can draw a complete picture of a line? No. (Why?)A  line  through  two  points  A  and  B  is  written  as  AB.  It  extendsindefinitely  in  both  directions.  So  it  contains  acountless  number  of  points.  (Think  about  this).Two points are enough to fix a line. We say ‘twopoints  determine  a  line’.The  adjacent  diagram  (Fig  4.3)  is  that  of  a  linePQ written as PQ. Sometimes a line is denoted bya  letter  like  l,  m.Fig  4.1Do ThisFig  4.3The edge of a post card

MATHEMATICS724.5  Intersecting  LinesLook at the diagram (Fig 4.4). Two lines l1 and l2are  shown.  Both  the  lines  pass  through  pointP. We say l1  and  l2  intersect  at  P.  If  two  lineshave  one    common  point,  they  are  calledintersecting  lines.The  following  are  some  models  of  a  pair  ofintersecting  lines  (Fig  4.5)  :Try  to  find  out  some  more  models  for  a  pair  of  intersecti


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