Write with explaination all the Pros and Cons of being an Enterpreneur.
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Work-life balance becomes tricky and is sometimes non-existent.
Work-life balance becomes tricky. It is hard to draw a line between “work” and “life” when you work from home. When your office is not that-place-a-few-miles-away but is instead your bedroom, your living room, your room, your home office.
A non-regular paycheck can be scary.
If your company doesn’t make money, you don’t make money. So in some ways while the salary is “rationale” – you get what you bring in – in other ways, it is not. Because you can work 50 hours a week and make nothing. This is both liberating and terrifying: You will feel a new kind of stress.
Entrepreneurial ventures can bring about a new kind of stress. Instead of an employee, you are responsible for all decisions. If you fail or succeed, customers, vendors, employees, and others are looking at you. So just as you can be looked at as a “leader” (Advantage 5 above), you can also be looked as a fool.
The salary makes sense.
When you make money, you get paid more. It is not an arbitrary number that you are being paid each year. And you don’t have to wait for someone to give you a raise.
You get to keep the profits. You pay the expenses. And if you are doing it right, this will end up being a good deal.
You are viewed as a leader.
This increases confidence. People say “you have a brilliant business model” and all sorts of other compliments that are very nice. And to be honest, ones I am not sure I have truly earned. But it is a very nice side benefit!
It’s exciting and fulfilling.
It is exciting to build something from the ground up. Especially when you love what you do. It is such a cool feeling to make something out of nothing. And it is so fun to hire awesome people to work for the company. And to have amazing clients, many of whom are not only paying customers, but also friends!
The ups and downs are neverending. It is never boring. It is my third year and I still have a rollercoasterish feeling when I start a new project or when we fulfill a new idea.