write would happen if
the petrol is finshed complety from
the earth? Write you views
everything will be idiot
Let's take in two scenarios to consider what if there was no fuel. And I'm referring to only fuel such as petrol and diesel in this answer.
Scenario 1: A World where no fuel ever existed
All inventions of mankind are based on their need and based on resources required to make it useful. The engine of vehicles running on petrol and diesel were only probably invented and are produced in such massive quantities is only because of the availability and abundance of such a resource. If not, the engine wouldn't have even come into the picture at all. There would have been some other invention and the World might have been running on resources such as Solar from beginning itself or coal.
There would be no petroleum companies and no petro chemical engineering as well.
The Middle East wouldn't have struck oil (in the literal and figurative sense) and have become such a house of wealth. It might have still been backward states or states depending on other resources to sustain themselves. But the middle East have built themselves right now only due to the sheer availability of oil and it would've just been barren lands with US bases to access the Asian mainland(for money).
The US would have started to establish hegemony over countries over some other resources other than oil. Probably over some other resource which all countries would've been depended on. My guess goes on Coal. (With US having such good resources on coal it might have been easier)
Venezuela might have been a Banana republic for a different source in its initial phases
Scenario 2: If World extinguishes its fuel
It's soon going to happen, now or later that the World extinguishes its fuel resources and it is to be seen how this plays out.
New inventions and variants of the products have already started to come out such as electric cars and scooters and this will become a common way of transportation and the only way later. Probably vehicles running on solar might also start coming up to the masses. This will lead to a lesser polluting environment and betterment of many cities. (Read Delhi). But a lot of vehicles with petro-diesel engines will have to be scrapped untill a replacement engine which can be fit into the same vehicle can come up
New fields of engineering will start developing and existing engineers in this field will learn new skills and move ahead. Their knowledge on extraction of resources would be valuable and can be used for other resources if possible.
The Middle East have already started preparing for the time when oil would get over and they have began promoting tourism and having oil money act as a base for it. They have began building tourist attractions and attracting foreign businesses to set shop there which would help them in the long run. UAE has began VAT to increase its funds for developing the country and other nations also taking similar steps. The OPEC will lose their power of taking shots and the US will start to look at other resources where it can neo-colonize and remain as a World Power (or atleast act like it).
The US has large resources of oil and would dominate the markets by high prices till its oil runs out. It would then take on another resource as mentioned in my previous point.
So here is what would happen if there was no fuel. All in all we wouldn't have much trouble and the World will run its course.