write your expectation about business finance subject and the things that you are curious
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People think finance is all about quants and number crunching, yes definitely it is but not limited to that. As far as my learning is concerned, finance is equally an art as well as a science of how not only the micro but the macro economic machine works.
Let's take the very basic concepts of risk and return, and apply tgem to real life.
Risk in finance is defined as the variance of actual from what you expected, the more the variance the higher is the risk. Now look at relations in your life, look at how often have they surprised you from what you have expected from them. Obviously if there was an upside vairiance that is they were consistently better than what you expected out of them, those are the relationship you've got to start investing in. and vice-versa look at the relations who have consistently shown downside variance, that is less than what you expected, time to disinvest from such relationships. and obviously the ones with no variance are also good relationships to stay invested in.
Here you are not investing Money in relationships, but definitely something more valuable i.e. your time and energy which are finite, so why invest this finite resources in healthy relations.
This was just one part of the subject, and believe me finance isn't boring, infact it is one of the most interesting fields, subject to your readiness and curiosity to explore it.
So no matter what field of study you are in, start your financial education journey ASAP, because there is no better time than now to start.
Thanks for reading, Regards
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