write your experience before your examination
Before the examinations, I had considered additional hard work, however I was as yet terrified the day preceding my examination.
It was Sunday. I had my math examination the following day. I had contemplated the entire day. I had overhauled my schedule twice. Be that as it may, during the evening after supper I began feeling extremely tense. I needed to sit and ponder once more, however my dad instructed me to remain quiet and rest!
It was the first day of my ICSE examination.
Although we all had given many exams in school, it was quite a different experience sitting for the bard exams.
I was a bit nervous although my parents were encouraging me.
After reaching school, I found all my friends as of my state, and we shared our knowledge a bit.
Later as the gates opened, I wished good luck to my friends and entered the premises with full concentration.