English, asked by kaushika73, 1 month ago

write your experience during a storm night​


Answered by seema737250


I remember that day quite vividly. I was driving home after visiting my friend who lives in subrubs of the city it was evening time. The sun had just set. Suddenly a gale began to buffet my car. I had to slow down it. Soon the sky was overcast with black clouds that were floating so awfully lower just few meters above my car. And soon the thundering and lighting scared my wits out of me. It begans to rain heavily The intensity of the gale along with downpour ripped many electric poles. Tress were uprooted and strewn on road. I had to stop. Towards the left I descried a road trip by - Road. I turned left and slowly I began to inch my way towards i knew not where. After 20 minutes driving in the storm I reached an unknown place. I took my cell phone out to call my sister. There was no range of the network. I don't know where I was in that dark stormy night!

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