Write your experience of giving online examinations
I am very happy in online teaching
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Online exhibitions present a practical and cost-effective solution to the limitations of physical exhibitions.They are no longer limited in time, distance andspace. Instead of being open to the public at certaintimes of the day, they are available round the clockvia the Internet. An additional advantage is thatstudents need not travel all the way to the exhibitionsite to see it. The exhibition is delivered right totheir homes and classrooms via the Internet. Thestorage of artifacts in digital form also helps toreduce maintenance costs. There is no longer theneed to dismantle and re-build the exhibition tomake it available to new audiences. New materialscan be added easily, while existing material can beupdated with less effort too. This dramatically reducesthe lead time and eliminates costly physical spacerequired to mount an exhibition.In fact, once the exhibition is put online, itbecomes immediately available to students all overthe world, forming part of the global cultural exchange.Teachers will also find it easy to download thedigital materials for integration into their teachingsyllabi. Students can also use the online informationfor their school projects, i.e. create new informationproducts. This provides a different kind of learningexperience, as students gather information, organiseit, create meaning, reach insight, and present theirfindings online. In fact, by the last act, they invitea global audience to share the experience10. Onlineexhibitions also offer better flexibility, encouragesexperimentation and dynamism compared to theirphysical counterparts. Visitors can select the levelof information they wish to consult, thereby offeringsomething to audiences of all ages and experiences.The fact that online exhibitions can link to relevantand complementary information available at otherwebsites further underlines the flexibility and possibilitiesof this new online medium11.2.6