Write your feelings on Caste. What to do vanish the caste feelings?
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I believe people not be judged by their caste because it's not their mistake that they are born In a particular caste. God does not Stamp on us while we take birth that yes you are from that particular Caste .Humans have created these upper castes lower castes.....why? we have no rights to judge anybody on the basis of caste because cast cannot decide the character of the person it cannot decide the quality of the person it cannot decide the capability of a person a person can be judged by its his nature his qualities ..his capabilities . caste is a superstitious belief which has been coming from India since olden times . I believe caste is nothing but a word which has set in minds of many Indians and people do not realise that the time has changed many mindsets of Indian people are changing but still there are people who have narrow minds. I think caste is nothing when you have a good friend you do not judge him or her by caste you have a good educated person you never judge him on her by caste ...why? because they are capable then why do we judge people with caste .....who do not have any resource. . are they not human beings has.. God did not make them slaves for us...for god everyone is equal no one is superior or inferior.
here's ur answer please mark it brainlliest buddy plplzplzpzl here's ur answer please mark it brainlliest buddy plplzplzpzl here's ur answer please mark it brainlliest buddy plplzplzpzl
here's ur answer please mark it brainlliest buddy plplzplzpzl here's ur answer please mark it brainlliest buddy plplzplzpzl here's ur answer please mark it brainlliest buddy plplzplzpzl
here's ur answer please mark it brainlliest buddy plplzplzpzl here's ur answer please mark it brainlliest buddy plplzplzpzl
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caste is nothing but a simple stamp on each of us...IT is a dividing wall bw all ...Caste system should be not there. ...reservation in india marks the presence of caste system
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