English, asked by gazalakadir1985, 11 months ago

Write your View on a situation a boy lost in s fair


Answered by upenderjoshi28

My view on the situation about the boy lost in the fair is this that our likes and dislikes keep changing. What we like in a given moment, may lose significance in another. In the chapter The Lost Child by Mulk Raj Anand when the child was coming to the fair with his parents he was very happy and excited and wanted everything; but when he was separated from his parents, he only wanted them back. The kind man who found him crying in the crowd, offered him all the things that he had wanted earlier; the child didn’t want any of them, he just wanted to be reunited to his parents.

Answered by Arslankincsem

A boy named Akash went to a village fair with his friends by bunking school.

His parents were not aware of the fact that Akash had bunked school and gone to the fair. After reaching the fair, Akash was extremely happy.

The merry-go-rounds, the various food stalls, puppet shows, stage performances by children, game zones, selling of toys and other games made him crazy.

He became so engrossed in the fair that he absolutely forgot about his friends and eventually was lost.

Unable to find his friends, he started panicking.

He did not have any money with him, nor did he knew the way to his home.

He started crying. But soon he was discovered by one of his neighbors.

He comforted him and took him home to his parents.

He promised his parents that he would never go anywhere alone further without taking his parents’ permission.

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