English, asked by Gefensamuel4250, 11 months ago

Writer a debate in favour of Academic excellence is the only requirement for successful career


Answered by tanqiwen51


Format - opening address with taking a stand for or against the topic with appropriate closure  Content Expression Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words and spelling  coherence and relevance of ideas and style  Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career In Favour - strengthens competencies and skills - helps in clearer understanding of the subject, in-depth knowledge - develops resourcefulness, decision making ability - ensures better job opportunities - ensures admission to higher centres of learning - prepares one for competitions Against - Academic Excellence :  1. may not be sufficient to ensure success 2.  life skills are more important than academics 3. does not ensure all round personality / confidence / multitasking abilities / leadership qualities - non formal learning leads to broader spectrum of careers - new age careers don’t necessarily need academic excellence - skills and talents can give more options (any other relevant points) (minimum two content points)                                Debate Detailed Answer : Respected Chairperson, honorable judges and all present here, I stand before you to express my views against the motion that ‘Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career’. Sourav Ganguly, Saina Nehwal, Zakir Hussain, Deepika Padukone, all of these are names that we all know. Are any of them related to the field of education? No! They have pursued their dreams in their respective fields and today they stand as role models for the youth. Education is not only about bookish knowledge. It is about the overall development of our personality. We study many subjects in our school. But do we excel in all of them? No! We excel in some of them. Similarly, the potential of the students, lies not only in excelling in their studies. Somebody can be an average student but may be an excellent dancer or an artist. We should not judge a child’s capability only on the basis of their marks. We should try to bring out the inner talent of the child and nurture it so that the child can do what she/he likes.  

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