English, asked by souravmandal65, 11 months ago

writer a paragraph in 100 words use and abuse internet


Answered by Archana09

Internet plays a very important role in every individual life today and it has become an important thing. One cannot live without internet as it has become a major part of the life. for everything we need Internet and it has become a basic necessity. Internet is essential but many people use it for a good reason others misuse it. There have been many cases where the people have been abused on the internet and it has also spoiled their lives to a great extent.


Uses of Internet-

Communication – Internet helps in communication and it has made the process of communication very simple and easy. Anyone can communicate with anyone from anywhere in the world.

Research – Internet also helps in doing research and there are a lot of things that have been researched and is available on the internet. One can get a lot of benefit from it.

Education – The Internet plays a major role in education as it helps in providing a lot of information and knowledge. There are many tutorials that teach many things and one can easily learn anything they want from the internet.

Money Transfer – internet has also made the transfer of money easy. A person sitting in one corner of the world can transfer money to anyone who is sitting in another corner of the world within seconds and without any problem.

It keeps you updated – The internet also plays a major role in keeping oneself updated. They have the real-life update and they can easily cope up with the happening around the world.

Despite many uses, the internet is also misused a lot and in today’s world, the people are using the net to abuse and sham people publically.

Abuses of the Internet  

Used to sham people- There are many people who see the Internet as a promoter of shamelessness. People use the internet for various bad and mean reasons.

Excessive misuse of social media- The first and the principal Abuses of the Internet for students is the wastage of time social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Orkut and so forth. The social media is meant to communicate and spread goodness, but people use it to troll others and abuse them in front of many people.

Cyber bullying- It is another major problem that the people are facing today. Cyber bullying is increasing and it is affecting the lives of those who are abused deeply.


The Internet has been maybe the most exceptional development in the field of communication. The Internet is characterized as an accumulation of different administrations and assets. Albeit, many individuals still think email and World Wide Internet as the standard constituents of the Internet, there is significantly more in store than email, talk rooms, big-name sites and Internet indexes. The Internet has its own good points and weaknesses. In any case, the upsides of the Internet are so enormous in number that they beat the impediments effortlessly. The internet plays a vital role in one’s life and it is a very good discovery but only if people use it in a proper way and don’t use it for public abusing

Answered by jpj2277


The Internet is the greatest invention of science. It helps us in getting every information in a click. We can share information, get connected with any people around the world through the uses of internet. Internet is vast storage of information where we can get a bunch of information of different fields. There are both uses and abuses of internet. The use of internet in business has developed the business in modern time. In today’s world the uses of internet in education can also be seen. Some advanced schools and colleges of our country has introducedthe digital class. It has become possible due to the uses of internet. Though there are a lot of advantages of internet, a few disadvantages of internet can also be seen. Misuse of internet has always been a headache for national security. We need to know the proper uses of internet so we can be beneficial from this modern invention of science.


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