English, asked by chuky2403, 9 months ago

Writes down the antonyms of sweet and love


Answered by KataraMuroi0w0

Sweet: Bitter

Love :Hate

Answered by Anonymous


loving (Entry 1 of 2)

1feeling or showing love

they were a loving family, supporting each other when times were bad

Synonyms for loving

adoring, affectionate, devoted, fond, tender, tenderhearted

Words Related to loving

caring, compassionate, considerate, cordial, doting, forgiving, friendly, humane, kind, understanding, warmhearted

ardent, fervent, impassioned, passionate, warm

amatory, amorous, erotic (also erotical)

enamored, infatuated, lovesick

lovey-dovey, mushy, romantic, sappy, sentimental

brotherly, fatherly, motherly, sisterly

Near Antonyms for loving

aloof, antisocial, cold-eyed, cool, detached, distant, dry, frosty, hard-hearted, indifferent, offish, pitiless, remote, reserved, standoffish, unbending, uncaring, unfeeling

disaffected, unconcerned, uninvolved

cold, frigid, unfriendly

callous, cold-blooded, hard-boiled, heartless, pitiless, ruthless, soulless, unromantic, unsentimental

Antonyms for loving


2taking, showing, or involving great care and effort

the homemade costume clearly showed the loving work that had gone into it

Synonyms for loving


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