English, asked by india2izzy, 8 months ago

Writing a formal letter to my local government chairman:appeal for aid on behalf of my local government


Answered by everequintoalcosero

Dear Mr. President.

I am writing you this letter in concern for the economy, my family, and my home. I am a 35 year old mother of 1 little boy who is 5. I have a concern that I need you to hear from an average family trying to make it through these hard times. I do not expect that anything will be done, but I do want you to hear how we are struggling.

I was laid off in June from a job that I was at for 8 years making a pretty substantial salary. My husband, who was an electrician, has been laid off since September of 2008. He was called back to work in July 2009 but only worked for about 2 months before his company laid him off again and he has been out of work ever since. I was only able to land myself a temporary job that my new boss is struggling to make permanent. We do not have any insurance for our son and we are living off of my salary which is about 10K less a year and unemployment. We struggle living week to week to pay our mortgage- which was underwritten to a smaller amount so that we do not have to let our house go into foreclosure. I want you to have a good idea of the history of events that have occurred with our bank and credit.

We refinanced our mortgage in 2006 thinking we could get a leg up on some of our credit card bills and also invest more money into our home. When we refinanced with our bank they did not set up an escrow account - which they did not tell us. When we figured it out - they basically told us it was too late. So that said, we have been struggling to pay our taxes but we have taken out a 401K my husband had and we paid our taxes through July of last year. We have had some hard times through our marriage which ended up costing us more in credit card debt. We have now reconciled and are also struggling to pay that as well. We have received letters through the mail that say that this is part of your plan to help America reduce their debt so we signed a contract with a company that pay every month which should in the end reduce the overall payment of our credit cards for a settlement. Since we have done that we have received numerous creditor calls and letters, and judgments against us- which has completely ruined our credit overall so far. We have no future, only weekly income!

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