writing a letter to an editor of a newspaper regarding the disposal of protactive mask
It appears that discarded masks and gloves have become the new trash.
In all health care settings, masks and gloves used to prevent contact with pathogens are disposed of in special biohazard trash bags.
A child could pick up a just-discarded mask or glove and be exposed to any pathogen the wearer may have contracted.
Please dispose of your masks and gloves in a trash can. Thank you.
Please put it in format. It's just the content.
Please mark me as the brainlliest
New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi
26th September 2020
The Editor
The Times
New Delhi
Subject: An appeal to raise a concern about the improper disposal of protective masks
With great admiration and belief in the columns of your newspaper, I seek to bring to your kind notice that face masks, which are used extensively for individual protection against Covid-19, are being disposed of in improper places by a section of people.
With the concerns surrounding the spread of Covid-19 along with the extensive efforts of the government to create awareness about the necessity of protective measures, face masks are being used by more and more people to protect themselves from the disease. While this is a good thing, the problem arises with the careless throwing of these masks in places such as roadsides, water bodies etc. by people ignorant of the harm it can cause.
Hence, through the pages of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to appeal to the people of our country to refrain from carelessly throwing their used masks since it increases the chances of people being infected by unintentionally coming into contact with it. Instead, masks should be disposed of in designated places with proper safety measures.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yours sincerely,