English, asked by swamika45, 5 months ago

(Writing & Grammar)
II. Answer any one of the following in about 80 - 100 words.
6. Write an imaginative passage on "IRI Were a Doctor for a Day".
• Write on what you would do if you were a doctor for a day.
• How do you treat the patients?
What would you do for the society?​


Answered by jesri


proposes is equal to conjunction into by the layer of Aquatic fast question answer family is there anyone but in the people talk about now I am shunting standard I told this only answer that question thank you



doctor 25 minutes ago K10 life about 3 minutes ago to injection you have given me some plane support after just

3. robberies I don't have to be there at all I have no idea what you want to be there 8th and you know

this only answer da

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