English, asked by devangparihar, 1 year ago

writing makes a man perfect in 150words


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                                 Writing Makes A Perfect Man

Bacon has wisely said, “Reading maketh a full man; writing an exact man, and conference a ready man.” There is no denying the fact that writing makes a man perfect. In order to write anything on a topic or subject, one really requires quite a deep and comprehensive knowledge about that subject or topic. This depth and comprehensiveness can only be required if one has done lots of research, study, and reading about that subject or topic. When this collected knowledge is blended with wisdom and imagination something new is born out of it. This new creation is the hallmark of man’s perfection.

All renowned writers such as Shakespeare, Khalil Gibran, Tagore, J.K. Rowling, Dan Brown, James Allen, and many more like them attained perfection while writing great books. Writing directs one’s energies and faculties on one single topic. This focus helps them achieve something worthwhile and the outcome is a new creation of inspiration and wisdom.

Thus ,man  becomes perfect while writing on a topic or subject.
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