English, asked by sudhavenkatram73, 8 months ago

Strike an imaginary conversation between you and your dad regarding Covid 19 and its prevention.​


Answered by maahi123
  • this begins when dinner begins. dad- hey Jenny have washed your hands properly? jenny- yes dad be cool and I am at home so not to worry. dad-, listen dear though you are at home don't take covid 19 lightly. it's deady dangerous.jenny- but dad whats the actual disease? dad- it's the chain and viruses which infects lungs and damage them 50 percent of lungs capable is decreased even is largely contagious and epidemic which spread through contact by speaking, handshakes,sneasing, coughing. Jenny- dad is it fatal to health. dad- yes it's 2 percent deadly . Jenny- dad will it be overcome and will world again become as before. dad- offcourse dear but people need to follow rules , they need to be corantine ,and should follow cleanliness .this virus has taught people the importance of cleanliness,even had shown the power of nature that money never wins infront of Life..we must salute the one who saves lives.....did you get it Jenny... Jenny- ya dad
Answered by Raghav1330

An imaginary conversation between me and my dad regarding Covid 19 and its prevention.

Father: Hey son, how are you?

Son: I am great, dad. What about you? And how are the conditions at home due to lockdown?

Father: Things are very terrible out here son. Few people have been tested positive for COVID-19 after the tests conducted at hospital.

Son: I agree with you dad.

This virus affected world in a terrible manner.

Father: Yes you're right.

Due to this pandemic lockdown has been implemented all over the country.

Son: Business is also down dad.

Let's hope for the best and the vaccine for this virus gets developed soon and people should get cured soon.

Father : Yes you're absolutely right Son.

You also take care of yourself and don't touch any object without gloves and go out wearing masks.

Son : Thankyou dad.

You too take care of yourself and mommy.

Take proper preventive measures to avoid this virus and always carry a sanitizer with you.

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