. writng of aanual sports day
Last year, my school’s Annual Sports Day was held on 20th Oct. Generally a month of preparation precedes the day. A month prior to the event, all the children of the school were divided into four houses and respective sports groups such as senior, junior and sub-junior. Once the children are allotted their houses and groups, the various Outdoor Games begin. It is the most interesting and the most spirited part of the whole event.
Immediate preparation for the day commenced two days prior to the event. Different works such as, the preparation of the welcome gate, pandel, flag post, tracks, Olympic torch, decoration of the area, arrangement of the prizes, etc., were allotted to the different houses for completion. On 19th Oct, the final touches were given to the preparation and last rehearsals were held for the inaugural function and the cultural show.
Annual Sports Day is an eagerly awaited event in my school. It is a time of great fun and joy in the school as the days prior to the event as well as the day itself are marked by tournaments, matches and various competitions.
Apart from teaching us good values such as, sportsmanship, proper spirit of competition, team-spirit, co-operation, discipline in the field, etc. Annual Sports Day makes school life lively, interesting, enjoyable and memorable.
Hope this helps you.......