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Child labour is a pressing problem in the country of India. There is a vicious cycle of poverty that triggers the need for child labourers in the country. There are various kinds of poverty, absolute poverty and relative poverty are just some parts of it. The country’s spectrum of poverty is so broad that it increases the number of children labourers manifold.
Child labour is the use of children in producing goods and services. They are employed by the producers at minimal wages, which makes them susceptible to violence and any unjust activity. They are paid minimal wages and are made to work for almost nine hours in a day. The procedure of converting them to child labour is easy. The parents themselves want the children to get involved in such activities. These parents cannot generate the basic income necessary for sustaining themselves. The parents are helpless. However, some parents do not want to bear the burden of having too many children and giving their last child to these factory owners.