wrte an essay - influeness of internet on children
In the past few years,there has been a rapid increase in internet users.Among these users,there are many users who are children.Internet usage by children has been rapidly increased.The internet is useful for children.However,there are some negative impacts that can directly affect children.If a proper check is not ensured and guidance not given to children,then it can lead to some dangerous situations.Not only there are negative effects of internet Influence but there are some positive effects too.
Positive effects: Before we look into the negative effects of internet Influence on kids, let's look into some positive effects of Internet influence.influence.Using the internet by playing games and learning from it increases creativity and teamwork among children.Internet influence also helps to increase hand-eye coordination.Using the internet for study increases the knowledge and that increases the confidence of the students.With the help of proper guidance and use of the internet, children can learn many new things from it and it also helps them to perform better at school.It also increases their visual intelligence as they learn things from online lectures.
hey mate your answer ✌️
actually answer is half this is full answer: along with the entry of our internet life,our world has change in a big way, something positive,in some negative form.It is very beneficial for students ,buissness man, government agencies , research institutes etc.This allows the students to get information related to his studies the trader can do his own activities from one place ,So that the government egency can complete his work on time ,and with excellent research results and research can give excellent results....
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