wrte essay on cleanliness (about 100-150 words)
Cleanliness is not just about keeping oneself and his home clean; it is also about keeping our environment clean. By keeping our environment clean, we can avoid the spread of germs because germs throw on the litter, making us sick. Some common diseases are cholera, hepatitis, flu.You should take a shower daily, wash your hands before a meal, and brush your teeth twice a day. If you follow all these things, you will be a clean and healthy person. While keeping yourself clean, you need to keep your surroundings clean too.
cleanliness is a habit that should be naturally be followed by individuals and society as well. A clean and healthy society is very important and essential for the environment progress and growth of the nation. cleanliness means keeping everything. as people say cleanliness is next to godliness, we really maintain cleanliness all the time. maintaining cleanliness protects us from bacteria and viruses. it helps us to stay fit and lead a very active life