WrUte a note on all types of soil present in India
Major classification of Indian soils
Alluvial soil [43%]
Red soil [18.5%]
Black / regur soil [15%]
Arid / desert soil.
Laterite soil.
Saline soil.
Peaty / marshy soil.
Forest soil.
six major type of soil are found in india are-
•alluvial soil
alluvial soil is formed by the decomposition of sediments brought down by flowing river it sis fertile and suitable for agriculture.
•black soil
black soil is also called regur ,is formed by weathering of volcanic rock..
•red soil
red soil is rich in iron content and formed by the weathering of old igneous and metamorphic rock..
•laterite soil
soil found in the western and Eastern ghats and some parts of the northern india is called laterite soil...
•mountain soil
this soil is found on the hill slope of Himalayas...
•dessert and arid soil
the dry desert areas of rajasthan and gujarat contain desert soil .. it is made up of thick layers of sand , which is not rich in humus...