wtat do you mean by markel gardening?
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recently read that at c’s age (almost 3), the best activities are gardening, cooking, exploring the outdoors. sooo…that’s what we’ve been doing! we go on these epic walks in the evening as a family~ we started baking and making our own pizzas at home~ and this last weekend we tried city gardening. and by that i mean…herbs. we have a small apartment and i do not have a green thumb~ so we started off with something easy: planting herb seeds and replanting a lima bean plant she made at school.
c loved every single aspect of this project. i could see why! it was so fun for her to feel the soil, pat it down, fill the pots and then push the seeds into the soil. each day after school we water her plants and sing the korean seed song. it’s a really special bonding experience and i love being about to open up her mind and physical development.
i just wanted to share this really cool new project we did last weekend! if you’re trying to find new things to do with your toddler, try gardening! i think if we had a backyard we would have tried a few more plants (not just seeds) but with our small space, this was the best we could do. ^^
Hope this answer helps you out and please follow me and mark me as brainliest too
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c loved every single aspect of this project. i could see why! it was so fun for her to feel the soil, pat it down, fill the pots and then push the seeds into the soil. each day after school we water her plants and sing the korean seed song. it’s a really special bonding experience and i love being about to open up her mind and physical development.
i just wanted to share this really cool new project we did last weekend! if you’re trying to find new things to do with your toddler, try gardening! i think if we had a backyard we would have tried a few more plants (not just seeds) but with our small space, this was the best we could do. ^^
Hope this answer helps you out and please follow me and mark me as brainliest too
:) :) :) :)
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