English, asked by bhagyaparmar1764, 5 hours ago

44. In arithmetic growth rate, when length of the organ is
plotted against time, the nature of graph curve will be
(a) linear
(b) sigmoidal
(c) parabolic
(d) hyperbolic
45. The measure of the ability of the plant to produce new
plant material is referred as -
(1) efficiency index (b) obsolute growth rate
(c) arithmetic growth (a) linear growth
46. In which of the following process, the cell loose their
protoplasm to form trachenry element?
(a) Dedifferentiation (b) Redifferentiation
(c) Differentiation
(d) Plasticity
47. The ability of plant to follow different pathways and
produce different structures in response to environment
and phases of life is termed as
(a) elasticity
(b) growth efficiency
(c) plasticity
(d) heterophylly
48. Which one of the following is chemically identical to
(a) Indole-3-acetic acid (b) Kinetin
(c) Dormin
(d) 2, 4-D
49. The hormones which was first isolated from human urine
(a) indole-3-acetic acid (b) gibberellin
(c) ethylene
(d) kinetin
50. Which of the following is not an influence of auxins?
(a) Apical dominance (b) Parthenocarpy
(C) Phototropism
(d) Fruit ripening
51. Mendel's last lawis
(a) segregation
(b) dominance
(c) independent assortment
(d) polygenic inheritance
52. The contrasting pairs of factors in Mendelian crosses are
(a) multiple alleles
(6) alleles
(c) alloloci
(d) paramorphs
53. The ratio of phenotypes in F, of a monohybrid cross is
(a) 3:1
(b) 1:2:1
(c) 9:3:3:1
(d) 2:1
54. Which of the following crosses will give tall and dwarf
pea plants in same proportions?
(a) TTXU
(b) Ttxit
(c) TT X Tt
(d) Itxit
55. A pure tall pea was crossed with a pure dwarf'pea, All the
plants of F, were found to be tall. This is due to
(a) law of dominance,
(b) disappearance of factor for dwarfness in F,
(c) segregation of factors,
(d) co-ordination
56. The F, generation of a cross produced identical
phenotypic and genotypic ratio. It is not an expected
Mendelian result, and can be attributed to
(a) independent assortment
(b) linkage
(c) incomplete dominance
(d) none of the above
57. The monohylorid genotypic ratio : 211 inleneration
(6) segregation
(b) Independent assortment
(c) dominance
(d) Incomplete dominance
58. Mendel selected pea as material for his experiments
(A) it is an annual plant with comparatively short life
(b) the flowers are sell-pollinated,
(c) the number of seeds produced is quite large,
(d) all of the above.
59. Which of the following crosses would produce a
genotyple ratio of 1:2:1 in F',?
(b) Abxab
(C) Abx AB
(d) ab xab
60. Punnett square is used to know the
(9) outcome of a Cross
(b) probable result of a cross
(c) types of gametes
(d) result of meiosis
61. The two strands of DNA are held together ty
(a) peptide bonds (b) phosphodiester bonds
(c) hydrogen bonds (d) S- S bonds
62. Nucleotide arrangement in DNA can be seen by
(1) X-ray crystallography
(b) electron microscope
(c) ultracentrifuge
(d) light microscope
63. Chargaff's rules are applicable to
() singte stranded RNA,
(b) single stranded DNA and RNA,
(c) Single stranded DNA.
(d) double stranded DNA,
(4. One turn of DNA possesses
(a) one base pair (h) two base pairs
(c) five base pairs (d) ten base pairs
65. Which of the following is correct for Watson and Crick's
model of DNA. It is duplex with
(a) 10 base pairs and 3,4 A distance for every turn,
(b) 10 base pairs and 3,4 A distance for each turn of
(c) 20 base pairs and 34 Å for each turn,
(d) None of the above
66. Information flow or central dogma of modern biology is
(a) RNA Proteins DNA
(b) DNA, RNA
(c) RNA DNA Proteins
(d) DNA → RNA
67. Nucleosome is
(a) intron interrupted DNA.
(b) double helix DNA,
(c) negatively charged DNA wrapped around positively
charged histone octomer,
(d) satellite DNA​


Answered by Seung




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