Biology, asked by shreyoshikarmakar99, 4 months ago

A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1. Which of the following is the smallest unit of classification?
.. Species
b. Family
c. Genus
d. Order
2. In 1969. RH. Whittaker suggested the
kingdom system of classification.
2. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. Six
3. Which of the following kingdoms comprises only bacteria as its members?
a. Moner
b. Protista
c. Fungi
d. Algae
4. Which of the following diseases is caused by Bacillus antbrucis?
a. Anthrax
b. Tetanus
c. Botulism
d. Listeriosis
5. The whip-like structure called
help the bacteria in locomotion.
a Cilia
b. Pili
c. Flagellum
d. None
are non-green, multicellular plants.
a. Monera
b. Protista
c. Fungi
d. Algae
7. Rhizopus is
in nature.
a. Parasitic
b. Saprophytic
c. Symbiotic
d. None
8. Amoeba reproduces by the process of
a. Binary fission
b. Multiple fission
c. Both
d. None​


Answered by harshkumar210504


all answers are here.


1- c. genus

2-c. five

3-a. monera


5-a. cilia

6-d. algae


8-a. binary fission.

please mark me as brainliest.

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