World Languages, asked by cristel2006, 7 hours ago

xf ayuda
Long before the arrival of Europeans on the Canadian prairie (the wide grasslands of what is now called Alberta, Saskatchewan and
Manitoba), The First Nations people lived in a harmonious relationship with their natural surroundings. Every item of their culture,
from sewing needles to homes was obtained from nature. Their homes were called teepees and were like large tents made from the
skins of deer. These people - tribes with names like the Blackfoot, the Peigan and the Blood people - were nomadic, which means
that they travelled from place to place following the animals they hunted or the growth of the berries and fruits on the bushes and
They had horses, although horses came to North America after escaping from the Spanish explorers who brought them here to
explore the areas around Mexico and Texas. Boys and girls were both expert riders. They did not use saddles or reins or stirrups;
they rode "bareback". Their clothes were made from deer skins and buffalo skins and decorated with the parts of other animals -
tails from squirrels and gophers, quills from porcupines and the delicate bones of birds.
These children of nature did not ever have to go to school. They did not have to study to get into a prestigious college, nor did they
have to worry about finding a job after graduation. This does not mean their life was easy. The winters were very long and very cold
and there were sometimes wars between tribes. There were also the very great dangers involved in the buffalo hunt. Warriors rode
at top speed (with no saddle) beside the huge buffalo shooting arrows to bring them down. The chances of a buffalo turning
suddenly or of falling off the horse were very great. We must remember that there were also no hospitals in those days.
Even so, the young people of the tribes must have enjoyed a very pleasant lifestyle: fishing and gathering berries in summer,
hunting in the forests in the early morning, dancing around the fire at night and listening to the old people tell stories and legends
from long ago.
1. Riding "bareback" means riding without any equipment on the horse.
a. ? True
b. ? False
2. First Nations people never killed deer.
a. ? True
b. ? False
3. First Nations people had no enemies.
a. ? True
b. ? False
4. Mathematics was not a priority for the kind of life they led.
a. ? True
b. ? False
5. The First Nations people did not develop a written language.
a. ? True
b. ? False
6. People were rarely killed while hunting buffalo.
a. ? True
b. ? False


Answered by sgokul8bkvafs



ابن العربي

کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان

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تصوف جي وحدة الوجود واري فلسفي جو شارح شيخ ابوبڪر محي الدين محمد ابن علي، جيڪو ’شيخ اڪبر‘ ۽ ’ابن العربي‘ جي نالن سان مشهور آهي، ابن العربي 17 رمضان 560 هه/28 جولاءِ 1165ع تي اندلس جي شهر مرسيا ۾ ڄائو. سندس تعلق عرب جي مشهور قبيلي ’طائي‘ سان هو ۽ پاڻ مشهور سخي حاتم طائيءَ جي نسل مان هو، تنهنڪري کيس ’الحاتمي الطائي الاندلسي‘ به سڏيو وڃي ٿو.

تعليم ۽ سفر

1173ع ۾ ابن العربي ’اشبيليه‘ پهتو ۽ ٽيهه سال اتي جي عالمن ۽ صوفين کان ظاهري ۽ باطني علم وٺندو رهيو. ان کان پوءِ حج جي سعادت حاصل ڪري بيت المقدس پهتو. ان کان پوءِ بغداد ۽ حلب آيو، هر هنڌ سندس تڪريم ۽ تعظيم ٿيندي هئي. اتان کان پوءِ 39 سالن جي عمر ۾ 598هه/ 1201ع ۾ هو مشرقي ملڪن ڏانهن روانو ٿيو. پهرين مصر پهتو، ڪجهه عرصو اتي رهڻ کان پوءِ بيت المقدس، مڪي شريف، بغداد، حلب ۽ آخر ۾ دمشق ۾ مستقل سڪونت اختيار ڪئي ۽ اتي ئي 638هه / 1240ع ۾ وفات ڪيائين. جبل قاسيون ۾ دفن ٿيل آهي.

تصوف لاءِ خدمتون

ابن العربي تصوف ۾ وحدة الوجود جو فلسفو متعارف ڪرايو ۽ سڀ کان پهرين پاڻ ئي، پنهنجن ڪتابن ۾ انهيءَ فلسفي جي شرح بيان ڪيائين. ’فتوحات مڪيه‘ ۽ ’فصوص الحڪم‘ ان سلسلي ۾ سندس نالي وارا ڪتاب آهن. هن جي ٻين تصنيفن ۾ ’مفاتح الغيب‘، ’تنزلات‘، ’ترجمان الاشواق‘، ’الآيات المتشابهات‘، ’ذخائر الاعلاق‘ وغيره قابل ذڪر آهن. مٿيان ڪتاب تفسير، حديث، فقه، سيرت، علم و ادب ۽ وحدة الوجودي فلسفي (همه اوست) تي لکيل آهن. هن جي ڪتابن جو انداز 300 کن آهي.

ابن العربيءَ جا ’فتوحات مڪيه‘، ’فصوص الحڪم‘ ۽ ’تنزلات‘ ڪتاب، سندس پختي فڪر جا ترجمان آهن ۽ هنن ئي ڪتابن ۾ همه اوست واري صوفياڻي فلسفي کي کولي بيان ڪيو ويو آهي. هڪ حد تائين فصوص الحڪم، قرآن شريف جو تفسير به آهي.

ابن العربي اهو پهريون مسلمان مفڪر آهي، جنهن ڪلام الاهيءَ جي روشنيءَ ۾ انسان ڪامل جي باري ۾ هڪ مڪمل نظريو پيش ڪيو. سندس تصنيفون الاهيات ۽ تصوف جي حوالي سان شاهڪار ۽ بنيادي اهميت رکندڙ آهن. سنڌ جا اڪثر

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