Computer Science, asked by np810124, 6 months ago




Answered by Equestriadash

1) (c) (a) and (b)

2) (d) all of them

3) (a) attributes

4) (c) query

5) (a) table

6) (a) entity

7) b) varchar

MySQL is an RDBMS [relational database management system], that can be used to store data in the form of tables. A collection of these tables make a database. It involves the use of SQL [structured query language].

It is commonly used to retrieve data [if required with specific conditions as well], manage data, manipulate records and adding data. Its commands are classified into two types, DDL and DML commands. DDL [data definition language] commands are those commands that involve making changes to the definition/structure of the table. DML commands are those commands that involve making changes to the records/data present in the table.

Equestriadash: Thanks for the Brainliest! ^_^"
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