Psychology, asked by sajalsahu2464, 1 year ago

y boys attracts to the girls?

BigCrippin: I mean girls really hate it when you say "sexy" sometimes. Its disrespectful honestly, you should say they are "beautiful" not sexy. Although they might be overly beautiful to an extent of sexy girls would usually talk to you more and actually feel better about their appearance you feel me?
BigCrippin: I never said that you had to be sorry i was giving you advice on how to get in your eyes "sexy" girls to actually talk to you back and want to get to know you more and other things.. :)


Answered by BigCrippin

Boys are attracted to girls because its a normal thing. Also because its a sin in the Bible and who ever is male and likes their own gender or female and likes their own gender will be sentenced to hell for eternity. I personally do not support "gays". Its sickening honestly, no male should love another male as he should love a female period. This is my opinion plus hundreds of thousands of other peoples also!!.

depressedgirl: dont you have school?
BigCrippin: I'm online school i'm not lying lol. I live in Newark, Ohio in the United States. My name is Joshua Farmer.
depressedgirl: farmer
depressedgirl: ok
BigCrippin: I definitely live in the US when i get home from Hawaii I will post pictures of myself in the US and with my name tag from my job and all lol. Why lie about where you live?
nethranithu: Hello
nethranithu: Stop commenting buddy's
BigCrippin: what up?
depressedgirl: sorry
BigCrippin: I don't have to stop commenting if I don't want to haha. It's a free country from where I am from .
Answered by depressedgirl
according to Newton's universal theory of attraction every living things attracts each other
humans attract no matter whether it's a boy or a girl.some are influence
d by their looks, personality etc

depressedgirl: thanks
depressedgirl: krishn
depressedgirl: sorry krishn
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