यू आर अ स्टूडेंट ऑफ क्लास नाइंथ एंड ऑफलाइन क्लासेस ऑफ योर स्कूल व डिस्कनेक्टेड बिकॉज ऑफ द सेकंड विवाह कोविड-19 यू हैव टो कम टो नो दैट स्कूल विल रिओपन वेरी सून राइटर फीलिंग एनीमेशन फॉर स्विमिंग
‘What will a return to school during COVID-19 look like?’
What parents need to know about school reopening in the age of coronavirus.
[NAME CHANGED] Hanna going to school wearing a protective mask in Cologne, Germany, on May 15th, 2020.
Available in:
24 August 2020
Life during the COVID-19 pandemic is difficult for parents and children alike. The return to school is an important and hopefully welcome step, but you and your children likely have many questions. Here’s the latest information on what to expect and how you can support your young student.
When and how will schools be reopened?
We are slowly seeing an increasing number of children return to the classroom. More than 1 billion students are still out of school due to nationwide school closures. However, 105 of a total of 134 countries that have closed schools (78 per cent) have decided on a date to reopen schools. 59 of those 105 countries have already reopened schools or plan to open them soon. [As of late August 2020]