Biology, asked by Anonymous, 6 months ago

ya I know

few years ago I completed my coreographer digree in giving
exam in America..

to give my further studies and exam in America where I learnt English language perfectly

incase I have visited India for exam in Cambridge
where I lost my mobile(╯︵╰,)

I decided to take a second handed phone,so and so

from that time I knew this app

so big explanation ..



Answered by TheQueenOfSavages


Ohh okay unnie

You know I was born in Mars

And went to other universe to learn Alien language perfectly

And then I came to know Taehyung cause he is an Alien too

I found him in that universe and we became friends

This is the alien language: furxbgdhrvhytjdeghrgfrhhg

Well, If you want to know it's meaning then... even I don't know just go and ask Taehyung, he only taught me!


Don't take it a way too serious.... I was just kidding


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