English, asked by ssureshsahare, 4 days ago

यूजेस ऑफ एलोवेरा इंग्लिश पैराग्राफ​


Answered by ss2236453



The medicinal claims made about Aloe vera, as with many herbs and plants, are endless. Some are backed by rigorous scientific studies while others are not. This article focuses mainly on those that are backed by research.

1. Teeth and gums

A study published in General Dentistry reported that Aloe vera in tooth gels is as effective as toothpaste in fighting cavities.

The researchers compared the germ-fighting ability of an Aloe vera tooth gel with two popular toothpastes. They found that the gel was just as good, and in some cases even better than the commercial toothpastes at controlling cavity-causing oral bacteria.

The authors explain that Aloe latex contains anthraquinones, compounds that actively heal and reduce pain through natural anti-inflammatory effects.

The scientists warned that not all gels they analyzed contained the proper form of Aloe vera – they must contain the stabilized gel that exists in the center of the plant to be effective.

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