Computer Science, asked by loussy, 5 months ago

Yahoo and Hotmail offer free-email registration. go to any of these sites and open an e-mail account in your name. send an e-mail to a friend whose address you know​


Answered by TheMoonlìghtPhoenix


To open an èmail acçount :-

  1. Go to www . yahoo . çom and "Create new accòunt"
  2. Fill your details and then your accòunt is created.

Sending èmail :-

From - Rakshita @ hoțmail . com

To - Sneha @ yahoo . com

Cc - NIL

Bcc - NIL

Dear Sneha,

Hey! How are you? This is my new èmail acçount. Save it for future purpose. I will send you the attachmènts from here itself.

Your Friend,


  • While creating acçount it asks for your phoñe number. This is because from this, they send you OTP - One Time Paśsword. Never share your passworđ / personal information to any strange sites.
  • Always look out for htţps when visiting a site. This "s" after htțp means it is secure [Hypertext transfer protocol secure]
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