Hindi, asked by ironman93, 1 year ago

यदि हरिहर काका अपनी व्यक्तिगत
का समस्या व सामाजिक समस्या से
सभी को अवगत कराना चाहते तो वे
संपादक को पत्र लिखते। उस पत्र का
प्रारूप/रूपरेखा कैसी होती इस पर
विचार करते हुए पत्र लिखिए।cbse
10 hindi

ironman93: please answer


Answered by AnanyaApurba567



Date 01month20.......

The Editor

Hindustan Times

New Delhi

Subject: social awareness

Dear Editor

I'm Harihar. I live in Sanchayan book of class X. I have 15 bigha land and my two wives died some years ago.

I live with my brothers and their family. They don't behave nicely with me. So I went to a temple there was a pandit named Mahant, his behavior with me was so nice. I believed him so much but he turned into such a person, he wanted me to give my land to the thakurbadi. My brothers also want that land.

No one loves me they just want my property. But I don't want to give it to anyone. I just want to die now. I'm waiting for death . I want to aware people that we should not trust anyone in this virtual world.

Thank you

Your sincerely


Work for you:

Translate it to hindi and you will get you answer

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