yetlection) Bobby's m. yani Toom my box It was a hot summer night about ten o clock I had my meal at the restaurant and returned to my room. I heard a noise from above as I opend the door the sound was a familiar one, could say that dials and I kshared the room. I took out of matches and lighted the kerosene lamp on the table The house was not electrified", it was a small yented room. I had just set up medical practice and my earnings were meagre. I had aboud siity rupees in my Suitease. Along with some shirts and dhotis. I also possessed one solitary black coat at which I was then wearing. 1. the season mentioned in passage is? have behan God and t you ( III Re write Mildred s could rela dreaming! pted to t ke this, but 152 2. what sound was familar to the narrator? 3 why were the narrator's eamings meagre? 1 Replace t ber 4. Describe the room in your own words? 5. why did le more e. Replace t
yetlection) Bobby's m. yani Toom my box It was a hot summer night about ten o clock I had my meal at the restaurant and returned to my room. I heard a noise from above as I opend the door the sound was a familiar one, could say that dials and I kshared the room. I took out of matches and lighted the kerosene lamp on the table The house was not electrified", it was a small yented room. I had just set up medical practice and my earnings were meagre. I had aboud siity rupees in my Suitease. Along with some shirts and dhotis. I also possessed one solitary black coat at which I was then wearing. 1. the season mentioned in passage is? have behan God and t you ( III Re write Mildred s could rela dreaming! pted to t ke this, but 152 2. what sound was familar to the narrator? 3 why were the narrator's eamings meagre? 1 Replace t ber 4. Describe the room in your own words? 5. why did le more e. Replace t