English, asked by harshojha3829, 2 months ago

Yoga lecture pe notice ncert 12 class


Answered by anuips


Asana as Preventive Measures

Asana refer to the many positions in which a person sits or stands to do yoga. It is a Sanskrit word which means a ‘physical posture’. Various types of physical postures or asanas means bending and stretching the body. This stimulates blood circulation, balance the nervous system, benefits the various systems running in our body like digestive system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, muscles, joints etc. Asanas are beneficial for the mind, psyche and chakras (energy centres) thus preventing from many types of lifestyle diseases. Asanas also help in receiving stress, treating anxiety and make a person mentally rejuvenated.


The excess weight or deposition of excess fats on body is called obesity. It leads to various diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, lowered pulmonary functions, lowers life expectancy. Obesity is a condition where your Body Mass Index (BMI) is higher than 30.


There are various reasons of obesity such as lack of proper exercise, eating habits, psychological factors, endocrine glands problems, familial tendency. Males are at high risk during age 29 to 35 and females are at risk during the age 45 to 49. The risk increases with age. Various asanas can be practised effectively to reduce the weight, control obesity and achieve normal healthy condition of body and mind. The major asanas to control obesity are Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana.


Their procedures, benefits and contraindications are listed below

Vajrasana [Thunderbolt Pose]


It is done in sitting posture.

Stand on the knees with the lower legs , together and stretched backwards,, the two . big toes crossing each other.

Lower the body and sit on your heels. Rest your buttocks on the heels and the thighs on the calf muscles.

Keep the hands on the knees and keep the head straight.

Concentrate on breathing, start inhalation and exhalation.


Vajrasana modifies the blood flow in the lower pelvic region. It increases the. efficiency of the digestive system.

It helps to prevent acidity and ulcers by improving the digestion.

It is a good meditative pose for those suffering from sciatica and severe lower back problems.

Supta Vajrasana strengthens the muscles in back, neck and chest regions. It expands the chest and is good for lung problems.


Vajrasana should not be practised by those suffering from severe knee pain.

This asana should be avoided by recent surgery patients of legs or waist.

If feel any pain in the ankles during Vajrasana, release the pose and massage the ankle with the hands.



Hastasana is done in a standing posture. Start with standing in Tadasana and twist the arms in a way that the palms are positioned away from the torso along with thumbs facing backward. Inhale and along with it brush away your arms out and towards the roof.

Bring the arms parallel to one another and then without bending the shoulders push the palms , tightly together.

Expand the elbows completely and reach upwards. Then slightly slant your head backwards and look at the thumbs.

The shoulder blades need to be slithered down the spine

Exhale along with tilting the torso towards the front from the joints of the hip into standing in a forward bending position.


It stretches the complete body and provides a good massage to the arms, spine, upper and lower back, ankles, hands, shoulders, calf muscles and thighs.

It stretches the Organs of the stomach, and as a result enhances the digestive system and increases the capacity of the lungs.

This asana helps in enhancing the blood circulation of the body.

It helps in enhancing the body postures.

It helps in alleviating nervousness and melancholy along with providing asenSe of Achievement.

It helps in tightening the abdomen and helps in easing sciatica.


In case of shoulder or neck injuries, experiencing dizziness’ While staring’upwards and in case of any other medical concerns.

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