You are a member of the society for prevention of cruelty to animals and birds in your locality write an article in hundred to 120 words on why animals and birds are ill treated and what can be done to prevent it
Such questions need to be attempted on your own to test your creative writing skills. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- We must stand up against cruelty to animals.
- Activists like Maneka Gandhi and organisations like PETA work for increasing awareness about animal cruelty.
- Children must understand that tying crackers on dog's tail scares the animal and is an act of cruelty.
- Beasts of burden are often over-worked and under-fed.
- Poachers kill animals illegally for their fur and teeth.
- Chemical testing is done on animals and leads to prolonged pain and suffering.
- The government has to come down heavily on poachers and people involved in illegal trade of animals.
- We must realise that animals too feel pain and get lonely in confinement.
- THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT, 1960 as amended by Central Act 26 of 1982 helps in preventing animals from harm caused by humans.
- The concept of zoos without cages, where animals are kept in conditions that mimic their natural habitat, is admirable.