you are a student how will you save electricity at home and school...??
Turn off the⭐⭐ lights that are not being used in classrooms and other areas, such as empty bathrooms and⭐⭐⭐ u⭐noccupied mul⭐ti-purpose roo⭐ms. Try organizing a⭐⭐ student “light patrol” to check empty classrooms, labs, and other spa⭐ces to make sure the lig⭐hts are off ⭐when they're not in ☆
I can take the following measures to save electricity at home and school.
★ Use energy efficient appliances to save electricity like compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), LED bulbs and other electrical equipments.
★ Switch off the lights and fans, television and other electrical appliances when not in use.
★ Minimize the use of air conditioners.
★ Switch of the mobile phone chargers when not in use.
★ Maximize the use of solar radiations