you are a student of class 11 who was unable to return his book as you were traveling to your native village for summer are requesting the librarian to exempt you from paying. the fine as it is first time this has happened. the librarian is pretty firm about the rules
Dear [Librarian's Name],
I am writing this letter to request you to exempt me from paying the fine for the late return of my book. I am a student of class 11, and I had borrowed the book before going on summer holidays to my native village. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to return the book within the due date.
I understand that there are rules in place for late returns, and I accept responsibility for not returning the book on time. However, I request you to consider my situation and exempt me from paying the fine as this is the first time that such an incident has occurred with me.
I assure you that I will return the book as soon as possible and take care not to repeat such a mistake in the future. I value the importance of timely returns and apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you for your understanding and consideration.
[Your Name]
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