you are a student of dav public school sarita vihar new delhi the school is holding it annual function at 5 pm on 19 December 2020.the education minister has consented to be the chief guest design an invitation card to be sent to the parents and other invitees.
Invitation card
of Dav Public Schooli sarida vihar
new delhi
Question :
You are a student of DAV public school, new delhi . The school is holding an annual function at 5 pm on 19 December 2020. The education minister has consented to be the chief guest. Design an invitation card that is to be sent to the parents and other invitees.
Answer :
Invitation for annual function 2020
I am pleased to inform all the students and parents that you all are cordially invited to the Annual Function of DAV Public School . The said event will be organized in the school auditorium on 19th of December 2020 at 5 pm. You all are requested to be seated fifteen minutes prior to the time . The chief guest of the program is going to be The Education Minister of the State . Lunch is arranged for every individual in order to make it more enjoyable .
Thanking you,
Rittika Paul,
A Student,
DAV Public School,
New Delhi.